Correction of underbite with Invisalign in a 65 year old patient in only 7 months.
#artorthodontics #invisalign #bitecorrection

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Interceptive orthodontic treatment with palatal expansion and partial braces to regain space lost from ectopic eruption of permanent upper molars. This treatment helped prevent impaction of the permanent upper canines and eliminated the need for extractions.
#artorthodontics #braces #interceptiveorthodontictreatment

21 1

Phase 1 orthodontic treatment with palatal expansion and partial braces. The main objective of this interceptive treatment was increasing the size of the upper jaw and indirect guided tooth eruption to prevent impaction of permanent canines.
#artorthodontics #interceptiveorthodontics #phaseoneorthodontics #palatalexpander

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I can’t wait to see you and your team at the INVISALIGN® ORTHO SUMMIT from October 31 – November 3.
I will be presenting “Using Invisalign Smile Architect™ and CBCT Integration for Interdisciplinary Treatment of Teen Patients with Missing Teeth.”

#OrthoSummit2024 #Invisalign #iTero #AlignTech

53 2

Congratulations beautiful Dani! It’s been a pleasure having you and your amazing family in our practice. Keep smiling!
#artorthodontics #braces #beautifulsmile #bestpatientsever

24 2

ART Study Club had an excellent interactive session about dental practice management.  

Thank you @sobkiv.anna and @pncbank for sponsoring this event.

@artorthodontics @hollywoodsmilesfl @dr.melanierosalia @therealdrmel @oasisperio @lorecofa @loverachelash @expressionrealty @sunkidzdental @drsandrabrener @drbrener @ninaends @dr_yana_armani @doctorklostermyer @shay_tooni

The Advanced Restorative Treatment (ART) Study Club includes dentists and dental specialists from all specialties of dentistry to present and discuss the latests advances in interdisciplinary dental treatment.
#artorthodontics #artstudyclub #continuingeducation #agdpace

Interested? Women dentists and dental specialists are welcomed to join:

#letscollaborate #womenindentistry

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Substitution of ectopic canines with first premolars in the maxillary arch.
#artorthodontics #braces #ectopiceruptionofteeth
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23 hours ago
Substitution of ectopic canines with first premolars in the maxillary arch.
#artorthodontics #braces #ectopiceruptionofteethImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

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ART Study Club celebrated its third holiday season with another continuing education session directed by our amazing endodontist Drs. Lauren Tink and Hallie Landy. 

Special thanks to @rosachaffin_kerr and @mayte_kerrdental from @kerrdentalna for sponsoring this session. 

@artorthodontics @drtink.endo @hallie_landy @drbrener @drsandrabrener @hollywoodsmilesfl @ninaends @shay_tooni @carol_milito @dr.gtorino

The Advanced Restorative Treatment (ART) Study Club includes dentists from all specialties of dentistry to present and discuss the latests advances in interdisciplinary dental treatment. 

#artorthodontics #ARTstudyclub #interdisciplinarydentaltreatment #cosmeticdentistry #dreamteam #holidaycheers 

Interested? Women dentists and dental specialists are welcomed to join:

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2 days ago
ART Study Club celebrated its third holiday season with another continuing education session directed by our amazing endodontist Drs. Lauren Tink and Hallie Landy. 

Special thanks to @rosachaffin_kerr and @mayte_kerrdental from @kerrdentalna for sponsoring this session. 

@artorthodontics @drtink.endo @hallie_landy @drbrener @drsandrabrener @hollywoodsmilesfl @ninaends @shay_tooni @carol_milito @dr.gtorino 

The Advanced Restorative Treatment (ART) Study Club includes dentists from all specialties of dentistry to present and discuss the latests advances in interdisciplinary dental treatment. 

#artorthodontics #ARTstudyclub #interdisciplinarydentaltreatment #cosmeticdentistry #dreamteam #holidaycheers 

Interested? Women dentists and dental specialists are welcomed to join:

#letscollaborate #womenindentistryImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

As always, very enriching! Thank you Art Orthodontics Dr Tink and Dr Landy

Clear Aligner Advanced Residency Education (CAARE) Course in Raleigh, NC @aligntechinc

Was an exciting weekend to present with fellow Align Faculty to over 135 orthodontic residents from 30 residency programs on correction of Cl II and Cl III malocclusions with Invisalign and sequential distalization techniques.

It was a pleasure to meet the orthodontic residents from my alma mater @eastmandental

#invisalign #aligntechnology #alignfaculty #continuingeducation
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2 weeks ago
Clear Aligner Advanced Residency Education (CAARE) Course in Raleigh, NC @aligntechinc

Was an exciting weekend to present with fellow Align Faculty to over 135 orthodontic residents from 30 residency programs on correction of Cl II and Cl III malocclusions with Invisalign and sequential distalization techniques. 

It was a pleasure to meet the orthodontic residents from my alma mater @eastmandental 

#invisalign #aligntechnology #alignfaculty #continuingeducationImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Correction of open bite and dental protrusion with braces and extraction of four premolars.
#artorthodontics #braces #bitecorrection
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2 weeks ago
Correction of open bite and dental protrusion with braces and extraction of four premolars.
#artorthodontics #braces #bitecorrectionImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

You’re the best! 🙌🏻

It was a pleasure to present at the biennial Invisalign Ortho Summit in Las Vegas on “Using Invisalign Smile Architect™ and CBCT Integration for Interdisciplinary Treatment of Teen Patients with Missing Teeth”.
Always great to see my former residents attending!
#artorthodontics #invisalign #invisalignorthosummit #continuingeducation
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4 weeks ago
It was a pleasure to present at the biennial Invisalign Ortho Summit in Las Vegas on “Using Invisalign Smile Architect™ and CBCT Integration for Interdisciplinary Treatment of Teen Patients with Missing Teeth”. 
Always great to see my former residents attending! 
#artorthodontics #invisalign #invisalignorthosummit #continuingeducationImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

Correction of deep bite with Invisalign clear aligners.
#artorthodontics #invisalign #bitecorrection
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1 month ago
Correction of deep bite with Invisalign clear aligners. 
#artorthodontics #invisalign #bitecorrectionImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Interceptive orthodontic treatment with palatal expansion and partial braces to regain space lost from ectopic eruption of permanent upper molars. This treatment helped prevent impaction of the permanent upper canines and eliminated the need for extractions.
#artorthodontics #braces #interceptiveorthodontictreatment
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2 months ago

Orthodontic space closure to reduce dental protrusion, improve periodontal attachment, and eliminate the need for replacing missing teeth with dental implants.
#artorthodontics #braces #bitecorrection
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2 months ago
Orthodontic space closure to reduce dental protrusion, improve periodontal attachment, and eliminate the need for replacing missing teeth with dental implants.
#artorthodontics #braces #bitecorrectionImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Creating space with braces for replacing congenitally missing upper lateral incisors with dental implants.
#artorthodontics #braces #dentalimplants
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2 months ago
Creating space with braces for replacing congenitally missing upper lateral incisors with dental implants.
#artorthodontics #braces #dentalimplantsImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

The Florida Dental Association Women Inspire and Navigate Dentistry (WIND) annual meeting at the Biltmore hotel in Miami, FL.

Was an exciting day to present to over 80 dental colleagues about orthodontic space management for replacing missing teeth with dental implants.

@artorthodontics @fda_dental @florida_dental_convention @thebiltmoremiami

#continuingeducation #womenindentistry #interdisciplinarycollaboration
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3 months ago
The Florida Dental Association Women Inspire and Navigate Dentistry (WIND) annual meeting at the Biltmore hotel in Miami, FL. 

Was an exciting day to present to over 80 dental colleagues about orthodontic space management for replacing missing teeth with dental implants. 

@artorthodontics @fda_dental @florida_dental_convention @thebiltmoremiami 

#continuingeducation #womenindentistry #interdisciplinarycollaborationImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

Correction of premolar rotation with braces.
#artorthodontics #braces #bitecorrection
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3 months ago

Correction of edge to edge bite and asymmetry in the lower arch with Invisalign clear aligners, sequential distalization, and inter arch elastics.
#artorthodontics #invisalign #bitecorrection
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3 months ago
Correction of edge to edge bite and asymmetry in the lower arch with Invisalign clear aligners, sequential distalization, and inter arch elastics.
#artorthodontics #invisalign #bitecorrectionImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment